Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Austin DWI?

It is the highest paid keyword on adsense, well what is Drunk Driving (DWI) Trial Defense Attorney Criminal Defense Attorney - Austin Texas. Your arrest may have included a cancellation of your Texas driving privileges for a specific period of time. YOU HAVE ONLY 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF YOUR ARREST TO REQUEST A HEARING ON THIS MATTER. I believe that this hearing is extremely important, not only to challenge your suspension but also as an opportunity for your attorney to question the arresting officer to find out exactly what he is going to say in court. If you retain our office to represent you, part of that representation includes representing you at the driver license suspension. However, remember you must request this hearing no later than 15 days from your arrest so it is important that you contact me as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. If your Texas driving privileges are ultimately suspended, in most cases we can get you a Texas license that will allow you to drive to and from work.

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